Transition and Transformation

A targeted intervention strategy for personal and professional relationships in transition, from Manifestara

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Transition Deliberately

All relationships go through moments of transition when familiar dynamics are disrupted and a new status-quo takes root. Whether a new member has been brought onto the team at work, a couple is about to transition into parenthood, or two small families are brought together as one, transitions pose unique risks and opportunities.

Transform Meaningfully

We walk personal and professional relationships through a transition process to ensure you:

  • Collaboratively envision what desired future you want as a team, couple, or family and work toward that future intentionally

  • Minimize risk of misunderstandings and toxic conflict so that you will not be hampered by guilt, blame, or fear

  • Build a new status-quo that you’re all excited about

A program like this is essential when…

  • Major role changes have occurred due to new life circumstances or business changes

  • The relationship has experienced a “crunch point” such as a betrayal, or major failure

  • Life transitions, such as a new baby on the way or someone soon retiring, are happening

  • There is a reduced sense of fulfillment from the relationship - the relationship is less satisfying in some way


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